Less manipulative than "The Hotel New Hampshire," less pretentious than "The Cider House Rules," "A Widow for One Year" is Irving's most entertaining and persuasive novel since his 1978 best seller, "The Have popped up so frequently in his earlier fiction, but that the lack of bears is also indicative of a new maturity in Irving's work, a taming of his exclamatory style and adolescent malice. He good news about John Irving's new novel "A Widow for One Year" is that it not only lacks those annoyingly winsome bears that

John Irving: Reviews, Profiles and RealAudio.John Irving: A Novelist Builds Out From Fact to Reach the Truth (April 28, 1998).

'A Widow for One Year': Randomness and Luck, but Whew, No BearsīOOKS OF THE TIMES / By MICHIKO KAKUTANI 'A Widow for One Year': Randomness and Luck, but Whew, No Bears